About Us

The Pharmacy Services Programme is one of the programmmes under the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), which is responsible in ensuring that public gets access to safe, efficacious and quality pharmaceutical products, protecting their interest via enforcement of relevant legislations, and ensuring rational use of medicines by both healthcare providers and patients.

Vision, Mission & Objectives


Enhancing our nation’s health through excellence in the practice of pharmacy.


  • Uphold legislations and improve policies to ensure quality of pharmaceutical products and services.
  • Ensure effective and responsive organisational system towards sustainable quality services.
  • Build capabilities and professionalism through talent development and workforce empowerment.
  • Intensify collaboration towards best practices and standards.


The objectives are based on each Divisions in the Pharmaceutical Services Programme, which came into effect on 1st April 2016, through the letter from Human Resource Division, MOH reference Bil. (86) dlm. KK(S) 0.61 BHG. 49 Jld. 2 dated on 8th August 2016. The objectives are in line with the Pharmaceutical Services Programme Strategic Plan 2021-2025.

  1. Pharmacy Practice & Development Division
    • Ensure continuous access to the quality, safe and cost-effective medicines.
    • Strengthen the quality and rational use of medicines towards the better health.
    • Enhance pharmaceutical care services in line with the good standards and best practices.
  2. Pharmacy Policy & Strategic Planning Division
    • Develop policies for the pharmaceutical sector in line with the needs of national health care.
    • Ensure excellent and efficient resources management.
  3. Pharmacy Enforcement Division
    • Ensure all sales, supply, possession and advertising of substances, products and cosmetics are in compliance with the legal provisions.
  4. Pharmacy Board Malaysia Division
    • Ensure the registration of pharmacists and bodies corporate complies with Registration of Pharmacists Act 1951 and its regulations.
    • Set the standard for conduct, ethics, proficiency, education and training and Continuous Professional Development (CPD).