Minimum Qualifications For Entry Into The Bachelor of Pharmacy Programme


  1. The selection for admission to a pharmacy programme implies selection for the pharmacy profession.

A person who is qualified in pharmacy from a pharmacy programme recognized by the Pharmacy Board Malaysia is entitled to be provisionally registered by the Board (Section 6, Registration of Pharmacists Act 1951). The fitness to practise Pharmacy of the intended applicant shall have to be considered in the selection for entry into any pharmacy programme.

  1. The practice of pharmacy requires the highest standards of professional and personal conduct as well as professional competence.
  1. Although some students have attained the academic standards required, they may not be suitable to a career in pharmacy. It is in the interest of the public and such students that they should not gain admission, rather than to have to leave the course or the profession subsequently.
  1. It is the responsibility of the pharmacy school to ensure that there are no particular circumstances that will impact upon an applicant's fitness to practice upon graduation.
  1. All applicants shall declare if they have:
  • been found guilty of any criminal offence(s);
  • serious physical or mental illness; and/or
  • serious communicable disease(s) which may impact upon their future practice.
  1. A person with any of the following shall be disqualified from entry into a pharmacy programme:
  • found guilty of offence(s) affecting the human body; and/or
  • recent or serious dishonesty e.g., cheating at examinations, falsification of documents, plagiarism; and/or
  • serious physical or mental illness; and/or
  • serious communicable disease(s).
  1. Any failure to declare information that has a material influence on a student’s fitness to practise may lead to the termination of their pharmacy course, as honesty, integrity and good health are essential attributes of a pharmacist and by extension, the pharmacy student.
  1. In the event of any doubt, the pharmacy school shall seek clarification from the Board.
  1. All decision makers of pharmacy schools and aspiring applicants are advised to study the document and guidelines available at


  1. A high level of academic attainment is expected.
  1. An understanding of science, in particular chemistry and biology, is central to the understanding of pharmacy.  However, the Board recognizes the diversity of subjects taken by applicants and the contributions of those who entered pharmacy schools with other qualifications.
  2. All applicants shall have attained a level of competence in English to enable them to complete the course successfully.
  3. All applicants entering the pharmacy programme via Higher School Certificate (STPM), A-Level, matriculation, foundation or pre-medical/ pre-pharmacy programme, shall have passed and attained a minimum of the following (refer attachment). 
  4. Applicants shall be required to pass an aptitude test and/or any suitable assessment set by the individual university.
  5. All international applicants must fulfil the English Proficiency set by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE).
  6. Graduates seeking employment in the government need credit in Bahasa Malaysia at SPM level.
  7. UEC eligibility is only for admission to higher education programs in Private Higher Institutions (IPTS) as stated in Surat Pekeliling Ketua Pendaftar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia Bil. 2/2004 – Kelayakan dan Kedudukan ‘Unified Examination Certificate’ (UEC) dated 19 March 2004 No. Ruj:KP(JPS)5181/01/02/Jld.3(6).