- List of Appointed Distributors Under Special Conditions of Type A License
- Guideline for the Management of Medicine Donations
- Ministry of Health Medicines Formulary (MOHMF)
- Guidelines for Pharmacists on the Application for Permission to Sell Compounded Preparations at Community Pharmacy Premises and Notification of Compounded Preparations
- Medicine Prices Monitoring Survey In Malaysia 2022
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Jalan Universiti (Jalan Prof Diraja Ungku Aziz),
46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
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Pharmacy Policy & Strategic Planning Division
- Planning and managing the human resource requirements for pharmacy workforce throughout the country to improve efficiency and performance.
- Planning and coordinating the development and management of policies for the pharmaceutical sector as well as coordinating policy-related issues, complaints and intra/inter-agency relations.
- Coordinating and monitoring development of pharmacy infrastructures as well as ensuring the practice of quality system at all levels of services.
- Plannimg, coordinating and implementing ICT infrastructure requirements, ICT security, maintenance of equipment/ network/ server room and departmental ICT software.
- Planning and coordinating research and development priorities and activities for the Pharmaceutical Services Programme.
- Coordinating, performing and attending administrative matters, assets and store management, procurement management, transport / fleet management as well as filing and document organization for Pharmaceutical Services Programme workforce.
- Coordinating and monitoring expenditure and financial status of the Pharmaceutical Services Programme.
Pharmacy Policy Branch
- Plans and coordinates the direction and development of the National Medicines Policy and routinely monitors the implementation of the action plan.
- Plans and coordinates the direction and development of Pharmaceutical Services Programme Strategic Plan and regularly monitors on the implementation of action plan.
- Provides consultation and input related to pharmacy practice integrity and Good Governance of Medicines.
- Coordinates and facilitates pharmaceutical services related intra-agency / inter-agency and international relations.
- Coordinates the preparation of policy papers for decision making at Pharmaceutical Services Programme level.
- Coordinates policy related inputs / external policy inputs related to the Programme (domestic and international).
- Monitors and coordinates complaints received.
- Coordinates inquiries from the Parliament (Senate & House of Representatives).
- Coordinates relations with the media.
Pharmacy Professional Development Branch
- Plans and projects the needs of Pharmacists in MOH facilities to ensure continuous pharmacy services delivered to the nation.
- Plans and coordinates the pharmacists’ employment process and succession strategies based on service demand and ensures the distribution of MOH’s Pharmacists is optimal across the country.
- Assesses the development of the pharmaceutical profession and improving pharmaceutical service management schemes at MOH.
- Plans, coordinates and monitors training (short term and long term) for MOH pharmacists at the states and headquarters’ office.
- Plans and coordinates the implementation of the career pathway for Subject Matter Expert (SME) and Credentialing Programme for the MOH pharmacists.
- Identifies, plans and monitors Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities at the headquarters level as well as coordinates and monitors CPD activities at the state/ institution level to enhance competency among MOH pharmacists.
- Coordinates and monitors MOH pharmacists who are pursuing postgraduate studies.
- Coordinates and provides technical input related to human resource development and human capital for MOH pharmacists.
Pharmacy Infrastructure Development & Quality Branch
- Establishes policies / standards for MOH pharmacy facility infrastructures development as well as provide input / commentary on development projects or related applications.
- Monitors and coordinates the application / implementation of pharmacy infrastructure development through allocations under The Malaysia Plan (RMK), BP6, BP11 or other relevant sources, including updating data on the development of MOH pharmacy facilities.
- Plans, coordinates and monitors the achievement of Pharmaceutical Services Programme quality indicators such as Quality Assurance Program (QAP), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Outcome Based Budget (OBB) and Client's Charter.
- Coordinates state health directors’ KPI audit activities with the MOH KPI Secretariat, Accountability Index and System Star Rating (SSR) as well as other related activities as directed.
- Coordinates budget allocation and monitors allocation of Operating Expenditure (OE) of Pharmaceutical Services Programme.
- Plans, coordinates, implements quality and innovation initiatives at programme level such as through Quality Assurance (QA), Innovation & Creative Circle (KIK), LEAN projects or innovation competitions, including monitoring relevant databases.
- Plans and ensures that all requirements of MS ISO 9001: 2015 are adhered by the organization in terms of Quality Policy and Objectives, ISO Documentations and ISO Audit.
Pharmacy Information Technology & Informatics Branch
- Plans policies and directions related to information and communication technology (ICT) of Pharmaceutical Services Programme and monitor its implementation.
- Plans, coordinates and manages the procurement of hardware or development of Pharmacy related systems to ensure compliance with the enforced procurement procedures.
- Plans, coordinates and manages provision of infrastructure, security issues and ICT technical support activities of the organisation.
- Plans and coordinates training on the utilisation and implementation of information systems provided by Pharmaceutical Services Programme.
- Plans, coordinates and manages the preparation of data, standards and reports from all related pharmacy information systems to ensure that the needs of the organisation are met.
Pharmacy Research & Development Branch
- Plans and coordinates research and development priorities and activities for the Pharmaceutical Services Programme.
- Coordinates and monitors the implementation of pharmacy research activities in MOH facilities.
- Manages and conducts selected pharmacy research projects at the programme level.
- Collects, analyses and stores research and development data at the programme level.
- Plans, coordinates and implements research related trainings to improve the skills of pharmacists in conducting research.
- Encourages the dissemination of pharmacy research findings through publications and presentations to be used by the Pharmaceutical Services Programme in improving services and development of policies.
- Plans, coordinates and monitors the applications for research collaboration with researchers from external institutions.
- Plans, coordinates and monitors the applications for Pharmaceutical Services Programme data for research use.
Pharmacist Assistant professional Development Branch
- Plans human resource requirements of MOH assistant pharmacists throughout the country.
- Plans placement and distribution of MOH assistant pharmacist and cadre officers.
- Plans allocation and coordinate the training of MOH Assistant Pharmacists.
- Coordinates and proposes the development of career pathway for MOH assistant pharmacist profession.
- Identifies, plans and monitors Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities to enhance the competencies of MOH assistant pharmacists throughout Malaysia.
- Coordinates the application of assistant pharmacist for the Methadone Dispensing Programme.
- Coordinates and monitors assistant pharmacists undertaking study leave and appointments by Special Temporary Exchange.
Administrative Unit
- Coordinates, monitors and provides administrative support for Pharmaceutical Services Programme headquarters workforce such as leave records, performance reports and attendance including Human Resource Management System (HRMIS) management.
- Coordinates and monitors transport as well as fleet management in Pharmaceutical Services Programme headquarters.
- Coordinates, monitors and performs office administration management including maintenance work in the Pharmaceutical Services Programme.
- Plans, monitors and performs asset & store management in Pharmaceutical Services Programme in accordance with the enforced treasury circulars.
- Plans, monitors and performs procurement for direct purchase and through quotations for the Pharmaceutical Services Programme headquarters in accordance with enforced financial procedures.
Finance Unit
- Coordinates and monitors the status of allocation received from MOH Finance Division besides ensuring adequate allocation for all three main activities of Pharmaceutical Services Programme.
- Coordinates and monitors pay-out such as contract (with/without Local Order), officials travel claims, speaker allowance claims etc as well as certifying payment transactions.
- Approve the issuance of Local Orders for each procurement / purchase application through the ePerolehan system in compliance with all financial regulations.
- Monitor and account for revenue collection affairs.
- Coordinate and review various financial reports (monthly, quarterly or bi -annual) to be submitted to MOH.
- Coordinates and reviews the feedback of every audit report related to financial management.
- Monitors and reviews Penyata Penyesuaian Hasil, Amanah dan Vot on monthly or quarterly basis.
- Disseminates information related to current financial regulations or updates issued by the Accountant General's Department, MOH or the Ministry of Finance.
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