- List of Appointed Distributors Under Special Conditions of Type A License
- Guideline for the Management of Medicine Donations
- Ministry of Health Medicines Formulary (MOHMF)
- Guidelines for Pharmacists on the Application for Permission to Sell Compounded Preparations at Community Pharmacy Premises and Notification of Compounded Preparations
- Medicine Prices Monitoring Survey In Malaysia 2022
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Quality Policy
The Pharmaceutical Services Program has formulated a quality policy that aligns with the organisation's objectives. This policy is dynamic and will be updated periodically to ensure its relevance. It will be communicated to all program members to ensure they understand it and can deliver services in line with its requirements.
The quality policy has been established with consideration of the following:
a) Its alignment with the goals and strategic direction of the Pharmaceutical Services Program
b) As a foundation for establishing and reviewing quality objectives and customer charters
c) Commitment to compliance with its requirements
d) The ability to continuously improve
Quality Policy Statement
The Pharmaceutical Services Program of the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) is committed to providing quality services to improve public health in accordance with legal requirements and MS ISO 9001 by:
- Meeting the needs and expectations of customers and stakeholders
- Continuous quality improvement efforts
- Establishing an efficient, transparent, and credible regulatory system
- Ensuring accessibility to high-quality pharmaceutical products and services*
- Managing resources efficiently and optimally
- Implementing effective and sustainable energy management.
*The definition of quality used in the Quality Management System (QMS) also refers to the definition of "high quality in healthcare" as outlined in the National Policy for Quality in Healthcare (NPQH) 2022-2026 document, which is:
Definition for High quality in healthcare in the Malaysian context;
Providing high-quality healthcare that is safe, timely, effective, equitable, efficient, people-centered, and accessible (STEEEPA), which is innovative and responsive to the needs of the people and delivered as a team, in a caring and professional manner to improve health outcomes and client experience.
The above Quality Policy Statement changes were approved at the Management Review Meeting (MRM) No.1/2024 on April 25, 2024. This Quality Policy Statement was disseminated via a memo referencing KKM.100-14/1/34 Jld 5 (51) dated August 22, 2024.