Tips on how to buy medicines online

Below are the tips on how to buy medicines online safely:

  • CAN ONLY buy medicines which categorized as over-the-counter (OTC), traditional and health supplements (MAL number ended with X, T or N). MAL number ended with A are classified as controlled medicines (require prescription). Check the registered product here or by using "NPRA Product Status" apps available at Google Play.
  • Medicines that require prescription is PROHIBITED to sell via the Internet. Prescription items can only be obtained from registered doctor or dispensed by licensed pharmacist.
  • AVOID buying medicines from oversea website and social media.
  • DON’T be deceived with dubious advertisement. Check approved advertisement here.
  • It should be noted that buying medicine online from unauthorized sources may result in getting medicines that are unregistered, counterfeit or medicines contaminated with scheduled poisons that can be harmful. Check product contaminated with scheduled poisons here.