Guidelines for Application of Type A/ B/ E Licence and NaOH/ Psychotropic Permit

Licence/Permit under the Poisons Act 1952 is issued by the Pharmacy Enforcement at State level.

  • Type A Licence: issued to a pharmacist to import, store and deal generally all poisons by wholesale and retail or by wholesale only or by retail only.
  • Type B Licence: issued to any person whom the Licensing Officer may consider to be fit and proper person to hold such licence, or issued to a responsible officer of a company incorporated under the Companies Act 1965 to import, store and sell by wholesale such poisons (not being a Group A Poison) as may be specified in such licence.
  • Type E Licence: issued to any person who in the course of his business uses Sodium Hydroxide in such substantial quantity that the Licencing Officer deems it appropriate to issue to him a licence to import, store and use Sodium Hydroxide.
  • Permit to Purchase, Store and Use Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH): issued to a person who purchase, store and use Sodium Hydroxide for the purpose as stated in the permit.
  • Permit to Purchase and Use Psychotropic Substances (Buprenorphine & Methadone): issued to a registered medical practitioner to purchase and use psychotropic substances (Methadone and/or Buprenorphine) in the treatment of Opiod Replacement Therapy.
  • Permit to Purchase and Use Psychotropic Substances (For industry): issued to a professional person or tradesman for the purpose of such person’s or tradesman’s profession or trade only.
  • Permit to Purchase and Use Psychotropic Substances (For management of wildlife/ animal): issued to a person to purchase and use psychotropic substances for the management of wildlife/ animal.
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