Ministry of Health Medicines Formulary (MOHMF)

The Ministry of Health Medicines Formulary (MOHMF) or Formulari Ubat Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (FUKKM) serves as a reference for medicines used in the Ministry of Health (MOH) facilities.

MOHMF is a policy and administrative approach to control and promote the rational and quality use of medicines in all hospitals, clinics and MOH institutions. Thus, the expenditure used for drug procurement can be controlled and the available financial allocation is used optimally.

The medicines in FUKKM are listed by generic name. The use of generic names when writing prescriptions is mandatory in all hospitals, clinics and MOH institutions.

The category of prescriber who can initiate prescriptions as follows:


Consultant/specialists for specific indications only




Consultant/specialists/family physician specialists


Consultant/specialists/family physician specialists/ medical officers


Consultant/specialists/family physician specialists/ medical officers/ #paramedics


Consultant/specialists/family physician specialists/ medical officers/ #paramedics/ #paramedics doing midwifery

#Paramedics: Can only supply medicine with/without prescription and is not allowed to write a prescription according to Pemberian Kuasa di Bawah Peraturan 23A [Ref. No.: KKM.600-12/4/6 Jld. 2 (19) dated 31 Oktober 2018].

Guidelines for Submission of Dossier for Listing Medicines into MOH Medicines Formulary Third Edition (click here) should be referred for listing of medicines into MOHMF. Any suggestion to amend information in the formulary can be done by completing the MOHMF Information Update Request Form (click here).

Any inquiries related to the listing of medicines in FUKKM, can be forwarded to the FUKKM Secretariat via email:


The Ministry of Health Medicines Formulary (MOHMF) on this website is the official source for medicine information approved by the MOHMF Panel. MOH facilities are encouraged to use information on this website to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.

MOH is not responsible for the accuracy of information obtained from authorised sources. Users are encouraged to report any discrepancies between this website and other platforms to us at Reliance on information from unauthorised sources is at the user's own risk.

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