Panduan Audit Dalam Amalan Farmasi (ADAF) 2023

Audit on Pharmacy Practices (ADAF) is a comprehensive independent audit conducted on procedures, regulations and control measures to ensure the pharmacy services is implemented efficiently and effectively. This important procedure will help the management to monitor the implementation of organizational policies, procedures and regulations at the facility level.

ADAF 2023 guide has been published following amendments and updates to the ADAF 2022; and serves as a guide for auditors to carry out ADAF activities at MOH facilities. Additionally, this guide can be used by the State ADAF Coordinators to monitor ADAF activities at their respective states. Health facilities can also use this guide as a reference to improve and enhance their existing pharmacy service delivery systems over time.

Any questions related to this guide can be directed to the following address:

Coordination Section
Practice & Development Division, Pharmacy Services
Ministry of Health Malaysia
Tel: 03-7841 3200 ext. 3388/3330

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