- The Guidelines for Special Approval Medicine (SAM) Applications for Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia Facilities
- National Essential Medicines List (NEML)
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Is Group B Poisons allowed to be advertised to the public?
The controlled medicine obtained from registered medical practitioners, registered dentists, or licensed/ registered pharmacists for the purpose of treating patients is categorized as Group B and C poisons under the Poison Act 1952. Group B poisons are medications that require prescription from a medical practitioner after consultation with the patient. Meanwhile, Group C poisons do not require a prescription and can be supplied by registered medical practitioners, registered dentists or licensed/ registered pharmacists. Current Medicine Advertisements Board Policy does not allow advertisement of poisons as specified in the First Schedule of Poisons Act 1952 unless exempted as stated in Paragraph 2.5 Registered Medicinal Products Advertising Approval Guideline, subsection 2.5.2-
- Scheduled poisons for nicotine replacement therapy
- new products that comply with the following criteria may be granted approval for publication as a press release only, namely
- products that are newly registered with the Drug Control Authority, Malaysia, and no other similar poison products available in Malaysia;
- products with a combination of active pharmaceutical ingredients that are newly registered with the Drug Control Authority Malaysia and no other similar combination of pharmaceutical ingredients available in Malaysia;
- existing products approved for new indications by the Drug Control Authority Malaysia; and
- Product indication that does not contravene with Section 3(1) of the Medicines (Advertisement and Sale) Act 1956.