Sterile Pharmaceutical Services Virtual Seminar: A Learning Curve Redefined

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Released date: 
Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Sterile Pharmaceutical Services Virtual Seminar: A Learning Curve Redefined will be organised by Pharmacy Practice and Development Division in collaboration with Pharmacy Policy and Strategic Planning Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia on 27th and 28th September 2021. This seminar will be conducted virtually as outlined in the SOP set by National Security Council.

The seminar theme is Broaden Your Perspectives, Serving Beyond Expectation where we encourage everyone in the pharmacy workforce to engage in continuous learning and hence delivering excellent pharmaceutical service to the nation.

We are anticipating approximately 330 participants which comprise of both pharmacists and pharmacist assistants from MOH facilities across the country, specifically those who are involved in sterile pharmaceutical production namely Parenteral Nutrition, Oncology Pharmacy and Nuclear Pharmacy.

The seminar objectives are:

  1. To broaden knowledge and skill in aseptic technique
  2. To enhance understanding about facility requirement and practice for sterile pharmaceutical preparations
  3. To strengthen knowledge in clinical practice and enhance pharmaceutical care in sterile pharmaceutical services